Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Top 2010 Crimes In the Katonah Area
are the list of the 2010 top ten crimes by area residents.
Three of the Top Ten crimes are white collar crimes involving millions of dollars.
- Extortionist - Chappaqua Couple Extortionists
- Bank Fraud - Fundraiser Trades K'town Retreat for Prison Cell
- Ponzi Scheme - Katonah CPA Accused of Ponzi Scheme
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tool For Last Minute Christmas Shopping Locally

Today eBay has launched its new local shopping site called GiftsNearby
The new eBay site helps consumers spot local deals in real-time by tracking the product inventory at over 50,000 stores.
So by entering zip code 10536 for Katonah you can find out what items are available locally.
Note: This service is powered by They have a feature that will enable local merchants to have their local inventory up and running on their site. Cavet: you MUST have a brick-and-mortar location in order to be eligible for the service.
So the next time you are shopping locally, make the merchant aware of this service.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Robert Paul: Cleaning Your Septic System in Katonah NY | Kat...
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Voters Response To Tuesday Election
Friday, October 15, 2010
Foodspotting In Katonah

The website, Foodspotting, launched last November has quickly built up a passionate following of foodies. It enables users to make and find food recommendations, in particular through photos and quick ratings of food items.
Foodspotting is a handy way to discover what foods are recommended in a particular city or area. Here are foodspotting found in Katonah. Join up and add your favorite
local foodspots.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Katonah Resident On Diverted Flight from Westchester Airport to JFK
“We were told to take off our jackets in case we landed over the water,” said Susan Polos, 55, of Katonah, a librarian at Mount Kisco Elementary School.
Full story here
Monday, September 13, 2010
Annual Poetry Readings At Katonah Library Affected By Recession
Friday, August 27, 2010
Yelp Begins Offering Local Deals

Looking for local deals in the Katonah area? Local search and business review service
Yelp is offering a new feature it is calling "Yelp Deals".
The new feature will enter Yelp into a growing market of local-deal providers, by offering deals to what Yelp users spend most of their time looking for - local businesses.
You can support/promote Katonah businesses and local deals by posting a review at this site.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Katonah Thrift Shop will re-open for business on Tuesday, Sept. 7.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Katonah Market Up 84% First Half 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Fungus Decreasing Local Bat Population

There is a growing concern that the local bat population is decreasing due to a fungus call white-nose syndrome. No bats have been seen this summer season cites one Katonah resident.
Bat's get a bad rap, yet they are our best friend. Not only do they pollinate the world’s fruit-producing plants, but they also eat thousands of mosquitoes in a night!
Sitting out on your patio or deck at dusk this summer will be a challenge with the increase in mosquitoes due to the decline in the local bat population.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Katonah Residents Gourmet Retail Outlet For Dogs

Just Dogs! Gourmet retail outlet owned by Emily and Adam Gilman, who live in Katonah, NY.
Just Dogs! Gourmet, providers of the world's tastiest gourmet dog treats open it's first New York State retail outlet in Mount Kisco, NY.
Friday, July 02, 2010
15MPH Duck Crossing Sign
Thursday, July 01, 2010
NeigborGoods Now Available in Katonah.

NeighborGoods is a kind of social networking site for borrowing and lending from your neighbors.
NeighborGoods allows users to browse and post information about goods they want/could stand to part with for awhile. Site allows users to create profiles for added personalization. Users can then search for goods in their neighborhood and connect with other users who have what they require.
It was in beta in Los Angeles California and has now gone live.
This link says it is live in Katonah.- "There are currently 308 people within 50 miles(of Katonah) sharing 171 items.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Bing - A Virtual "Cliff Notes" on Katonah

Just came across this new search feature on Bing search engine site that puts a lot of info on one page for the user. In this case Katonah. I view it as a virtual "cliff notes" on obtaining information about a topic quickly.
Here is the link.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A Photo Collage of Katonah Store Fronts

Bill Scherer has posted on Bills'posterous 30 photos of Katonah Storefronts.
In 2008 the Katonah Shopping Center completed it's renovation. I took these photos one evening right after the completion and seeing Bill's photos triggered me to post these additional photo collages of Katonah Store Fronts.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Katonah AA Founders Hallmark Film April 25, on CBS

Hallmark Film Productions is releasing a new movie about two former Katonah residents who were pioneers in treating alcohol abuse.
The film, which is being shown at 9 p.m. on CBS on Sunday, April 25, focuses on the life of Lois and Bill Wilson, according to Stepping Stones Foundation, the museum housed in the Wilsons’ former Katonah home.
Bill Wilson co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous while Lois helped start Al-Anon, a self-help group for families coping with an alcoholic relative. Bill Wilson lived in the Katonah home at 62 Oak Road until his death in 1971. Lois lived there until she died in 1988.
The movie, “When Love is Not Enough: the Lois Wilson Story” stars Winona Ryder as Lois Wilson and Barry Pepper as Bill Wilson.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Katonah Home - $1000 A Month To Heat!

A home in Katonah, built in 1971, has one of the highest residential monthly heating oil bills in the country -$1,000 a month! The problem single pane windows, but help this Spring is on the way.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Brown Trout No. 1 Favorite Fish Locally

Bob's Fish & Tackle of Katonah has a fishing poll of what kind of fish guys and girls like(to catch) in the area. No. 1 Brown Trout.
Bob's update (3/10/10)"Trout are definitely still hitting, one being weighed in at 4.8 on sat and another being 6.10 sunday. Croton Falls is still producing some fish along with Cross river and kensico...Well it looks like a great start to the 2010 fishing season!"
Area Stocking Data: (As of March 29, 2010)
Cross River Reservoir
Number of brown trout to be stocked: 6,250
Stocking date: April
Species: Brown trout
Size: 8.5 to 9.5 inches
Cross River Outlet
Number of brown trout to be stocked: 100
Stocking date: March
Species: Brown trout
Size: 12 to 15 inches
Number of rainbow trout to be stocked: 340
Stocking date: March
Species: Rainbow trout
Size: 8 to 9 inches
Number of brown trout to be stocked: 80
Stocking date: April
Species: Brown trout
Size: 8 to 9 inches
Muscoot Reservoir
March- April
Number of rainbow trout to be stocked: 970
Stocking date: March-April
Species: Rainbow
Size: 8.5 inches-9.5 inches
Number of brown trout to be stocked: 830
Stocking date: March-April
Species: brown
Size: 8.5 inches-9.5 inches
For more local trout fishing info
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Is Their A Local Business That Can Help My Business?

BidModo, presently in beta, may be able to provide an answer for you. The site is powered by local business owners.
There are 3 easy steps to getting a free competivie bid for your business needs.
- Submit Job - Enter your zip code and complete a short bid request from (FREE)
- Compare Bids from top rated local companies
- You decide on which company you want to place a bid with.
You are provided with information about bidders, vendor ratings and a dashboard comparing bids.
Vendors only pay for selected leads. A vendor dashboard provides information on ROI, monthly sales data, ratings feedback and industry stats.
BidModo's focus is on local business, so service requests only come from the local area.
Here is the link...
Friday, March 05, 2010
Man With Morning Coffee Hits The Glass Door
This guy with his coffee cup in hand got his mojo working big time, but apparently did not hang around to report or clean up his "accident"
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Stanley Tucci Nominated For Academy Award

Stanley Tucci, who grew up in Katonah and attended John Jay High School has been nominated for 2010 best supporting actor ~ The Lovely Bones.
The highly-respected character actor portrayal as a child killer in the big screen adaptation of The Lovely Bones has earned him Screen Actors Guild, Golden Globe, and Academy Award nominations.
Mr. Tucci still lives in the area.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Video - Snowy Day Trucking Feb 16, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
I.M. Pei 2010 Winner of British Royal Gold Medal
The Royal Gold Medal for architecture is awarded annually by the Royal Institute of British Architects on behalf of the British monarch, in recognition of an individual's or group's substantial contribution to international architecture.
Chinese-born American architect I.M. Pei is honored in recognition of his lifetime's work.
The 92-year-old, who designed the glass and metal Louvre Pyramid in Paris, will be given the annual special award at the RIBA in London on February 11.
I.M. Pei has been awarded every conceivable award within the architectural world and is
considered one of the masters of 20th century architecture.
In this six part video series below I.M. Pei explains his body of work ....
Part One
Locally, I.M. Pei designed the IBM Office Complex in Somers New York that was completed in 1989.
To learn more about I.M. Pei ...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
True African Art Exhibit At The Katonah Library
Feb. 3 thru Feb. 29. an exhibit of true African Art will open at The Katonah Library.
Featured will be 25 original works created by 17 native African artists, most of them from Kenya.
On exhibit and for sale will be:
- Maasai Tribal Art
- Wildlife Art
- Abstracts Art
- Realistic Art
- Tinga Tinga Paintings (Tanzania)
- Photo Collages
- Charcoal on Canvas
- Children's Paintings
- Blue Rhino Maps
The work is being presented by Gathinja Yamokoski, a native Kenyan now living in the Bedford area, who is also the owner and manager of, an online gallery to sell and promote the work of African artists.
A reception at the library is to take place on Saturday, Feb. 13 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Monday, January 04, 2010
UGGs are In Demand @ Squires Family Clothing & Footwear

In this bitter cold, UGGS are a girl's best friend and one of the hottest footwear products out there.
Squires Family Clothing & Footwear is the largest UGG dealer in the Tri-State area with over 2500 pairs in stock!
UGGs are in such demand, that according to the blog site shoeswell a lot of retailers don't have UGGS to sell.
Shoeswell points out that:
"Squires Family Clothing & Footwear in Katonah, N.Y., is logging 150 phone calls a day from all over but is turning down orders for future delivery from callers outside Westchester County."