Katonah Bar and Grill this year was denied a cabaret license renewal after complaints about noise and other disturbances. It has sued to the State Supreme Court that the Town of Bedford with relying on spotty evidence and failing to the give the business a fair hearing on its application.
At issue:
- The lawsuits ask the court to grant the license and to rule that Bedford's cabaret license is unconstitutional because the Town Board Decided both the initial application and the appeal.
- Katonah Grill maintains under state law the town clerk should make the initial
decision on whether to grant the license. The Town Attorney argues that it is up to the Town Board not the Town Clerk to decide whether granting a license would affect the public.
- Some patrons of Katonah Grill don't agree and some compromise should be made; do not play above a certain volume or to play only on certain nights.
- Owner, Doug Crossett sites only once (maybe) of receiving a complaint when live music was playing
- There are a large number of police incidents report that were presented to the Town Board. The attorney for the Town Joel Sachs cites that the record would show that the last several years, Katonah Grill was put on notice that there were issues there and they needed to take corrective action.
Attorney Sachs also point out that the town's cabaret law provides a "full and fair" hearing for applicants, noting that the Town Board can change its mind on appeal if evidence shows that's warrant.
In Doug Crossett's view the greater issue is it (the denial of a cabaret license) denies local musicians a place to play and the local people a place to hear live music.
For those of you curious here is the link to the
Town of Bedford CodeSearch on Cabaret License to bring up Section 44 of the Town of Bedford Code covering Cabaret license.
Should the Katonah Grill be granted a cabaret license? --see side bar and take the poll.