Bedford Audubon Society Scholarship Awards
Two scholarships to be awarded to high school students
for environmental science research with Audubon Vermont
Again this year, Bedford Audubon Society, located in Katonah, New York, is pleased to announce its sponsorship of two full scholarships for high school students to participate in Audubon Vermont’s “Take P.A.R.T. Program of Audubon Research for Teens.” This program is a unique opportunity for high school students (ages 15 -18) to be immersed in conservation research. It is a wonderful college preparatory experience for those interested in the biology, ecology or conservation fields of study. And it’s a great way for teens to enjoy the summer with like-minded young people!
Led by one of Vermont’s leading herpetologists, your team will inventory several locations in Vermont for reptiles and amphibians. Working in a variety of habitats, from deep forest to vernal pools, you’ll learn about, search for, handle and document nearly all of Vermont’s “herps.” You’ll explore areas with few or no historical records for many species, some of which are rare or endangered, and your work will add much needed data to the State Atlas of Reptiles and Amphibians. July 24- Aug. 2, 2006.
In partnership with the NorthWoods Stewardship Center, located in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, this team will work on contributing data to the Center’s Ecosystem Management Project. Staff ecologists will guide participants in monitoring and habitat restoration projects on their 3,000-acre property. Discover the richness of the northern forest, as you band birds, monitor salamander activity, improve wildlife habitat, and live-trap small mammals. Your contribution to the management project will enhance the understanding of wildlife populations and habitat health in the region. Aug. 10 - 20, 2006.
Student Criteria
High school student ages 15-18 years old
Preference to students planning to study the environmental sciences at the college level
Preference to students who have written a relevant scientific paper or have done relevant research
Preference to students who have done environmental and conservation-minded community service
Application Process
Each applicant must submit:
Completed application form
Personal statement of one page regarding his/her commitment to the environmental sciences
and how the trip or internship fits with his/her goals
One letter of recommendation from a high school science teacher.
Students may also submit any relevant research or a resume with a list of relevant research projects and/or community service.
Application deadline: MAY 5, 2006
For application and questions, contact:
David Albano, Bedford Audubon Education Committee
(203) 739-0846,